Lessons/ More Tennis


For more player specific Instruction opportunities please consider the following contacts of Local Coaches and Teaching Pros : 

Drew Smith

ONW Head Tennis Coach

Cell: (785) 760-1605

email: dasmith@olatheschools.org

Andrew Davids

Olathe South Head Tennis Coach

Cell: (620) 218-8357

email: amdavids@olatheschools.org

Chris Carey

USTA Player/ Teaching Pro

Cell: (816) 679-1771

email: chriscarey2017@gmail.com

Austin Davids

Olathe South Assistant Tennis Coach

Cell: (785) 608-6823

Dan Woestendick

USTA Teaching Pro (Cedar Creek)

Cell: (913) 304-4930

site: www.facebook.com/CedarCreekTennis/

Tim Oberhelmen

USTA Teaching Pro

Cell: (913) 205-7251